Hi friends jai gangaajal is best movie I sow this movie before 2 days I recommend to all friends to go and see this movie
Jai Gangaajal is one of Prakash Jhas best stories. It weaves together crucial contemporary threads - land mafias corrupt netas broker-cops broken farmers with Jhas enduring concern about vigilante justice. In his 2003 Gangaajal SP Amit Kumar was bewildered by frustrated cops blinding criminals to make society pavitar with acid Here Abha Mathur faces mobs hanging goons shouting Jo janta ko lootega uska suicide
Can Abha convince Bankipur that the law must prevail both for the innocent and the evil And why does BN suddenly want to purify the system
Priyanka Chopra shines asMadam Sir Abha Mathur whose lightning slaps and lathi charges have you applauding. This is a polished, restrained Priyanka, who barely smiles but conveys the ethics and empathy of the law. Priyankas ably supported by Rahul Bhats cameo as an MIT PhD kisaan leader Rahul performs Rayban radicalism with aplomb, sneering at Abha visiting a distressed village Toh ab aap aayi hain suicide tourism par.