Hi I am Narendra from nellore to day ill share opinion yesterday ill booking this movie(jai simha) Narthaki Theator in nellore
1.Narasimha(Balakrishna) acting is simply superb and dance is amazing aance in(jai simha) Movie
2.The movie has run main characters 2babys the story is balaya is going to safety place like kerala, tamilanadu, maharatra.
3.Performance is the legendary acting and dialogues and fights is superb
4.Songs is Not good or Not bad its lisenining song imean compare to agnathavasi movie
5.and next main heroin nayanatara(Gowiri) has full support to this movie
6.2nd heroin Hari Priya(manga), Murali Mohan as(Centeral Minister) amd next brahmanandam is comedy actor all of actors has full support to this movie and my opinion is movie see to simple this movie I think is not boring this is my
1.Acting and fighting
2.Brahmanandam Comedy
3.Emotional scene
1.i think music is disadvantages
2.Murali Mohan(Centeral Minister) daughter dress code