Ive been taking treatment at jalans and I started with the treatment at 70.5 kgs Its been over 6 months and honestly, Im today at 72.3 k gs wtf? Ive gained in fact and its boring every morning to call jalans and tell them the weight and then theyll give you 4-5 medicines to take at a 15 minute interval sometimes the shots can go upto 15 -18 too so youre stranded if you decide to go out somewhere.
I mean can you imagine youre shopping or driving and youve to set up an alarm clock to take some single pill every 15 minutes for 3-4 hours thats ridiculous and boring ..makes you wanna quit and every day and not seeing the slightest reduction in your weight ..i feel theyre a scam honestly..Mr Jalan is trying to make some quick bucks. Ive lost 20000 rs in this deal what a waste.
I advise all people dont go for such weight loss deals be it jalans or even those slimming centre scumbags all are only business making machines. The best way to loose weight is to exercise and thats the truth of it period.