Our National Dish is Ackee & Salt Fish. Ackee was orginally imported from West Africa, probably brought here in a slave ship and now grows beautifully, producing each year large quantites of edible fruit.
Our National Bird is the Doctor Bird (Swallowtail Humming Bird), which lives only in Jamaica.
Our National Tree is the Blue Mahoe, a valuable timber for export.
Our National Flower is of the Lignum Vitae Tree, whos name wood of life is believed to reflect its medicinal properties.
Our National Pledge:
Before God and all mankind,
I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart,
The wisdom and courage of my mind,
The strength and vigour of my body
in service of my fellow citizens,
I promise to stand up for Justice,
Brotherhood, and Peace,
to work diligently and creatively,
To think generously and honestly, so that,
Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty,
fellowship and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race.
Our National Anthem:
Eternal Father Bless our land
Guide us with thy mighty hand
Keep us free from evil powers
Be our light through countless
To our leaders great defenders
grant true wisdom from above
Justice, truth be ours forever
Jamaica, land we love
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica
land we love.
Teach us true respect for all
Stir response to dutys call
Strengthen us the weak to
Give us vision lest we perish
Knowledge send us Heavenly
Grant true wisdom from above
Justice, truth be ours forever
Jamaica, land we love
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica,
land we love.
Our National Heroes
Paul Bogle (date of birth uncertain, died 1865)
George William Gordon (1820-1865)
Nanny (1801-1832)
Sir Alexander Bustamante (1884-1977)
Norman Washington Manley (1893-1969)
Marcus Mosiah Garvey (1887-1940)
Jamaicas National Heroes dared to challenge the institution of colonialism and in so doing changed the course of Jamaicas history giving
social and political freedom to its people. Today, the statues of Jamaicas seven National Heroes stand in proud acknowledgement, in the
National Heroes Park in Kingston where they are viewed with inspiring pride, unforgettable symbols of Jamaicas enduring strength.
English and Patois, Jamaican Creole words and speech patterns derived from a mixture of English, African, and other languages.
Jamaican Creole is spoken but is not written to much in Jamaica, its also not something that is tought in the school systems.
Average annual temp: 27C (82F). Mountain temperatures are as low as 10C (50F) in winter. Trade wind sea breezes moderate costal temperature.
Average annual rainfall is 78 inches. Rainy seasons: Oct/Nov, late May/early June.
The Reggae Boyz Football (Soccer) Team have made history and made Jamaicans and other Caribbean people proud.
The National Premier League Clubs supply the ballers for the National Squad. Jamaica has had more success per capita in international Track
and Field competition than any other country. In Cricket we have been made proud by the achievements of Jamaican Greats. The Women
Hocky Team has reached as high as 3rd in international competition. Jamaica is well-respected in international Netball. In Boxing Jamaicans
have become household names. Push Cart Derby was the inspiration for the creation of a Jamaican Bob Sled Team, which has won international
competition. The Jamaican (Golf) Open has been a fixture for over 40 years and tournaments like the Jonnie Walker World Championship, held
each December offer a golf feast of local and international flavour.