My name is Mahesh kumar I got trained in jamboree, Malleswaram branch. I had taken GRE and TOEFL training there and trainers were great except the verbal guy. Frankly speaking TOEFL trainer( anjali mam) is fantastic she had good command on topics and some real time scenario and give individual attention ever one. The Quantitative guys he is too good have the command on subject and gives us the 2-3ways to solve the problem and shortcut methods. The verbal guys has good knowledge but we struggle to learn the vocabulary give in material because he told us to refer nemonics ( shortcut method to memories words prefixes, suffixes) and also need more attention on AWA ( analytical writing analysis) he teachs some essay form official GRE material and he doesnt assess our ability in writing those topics.
In jamboree the material and training are great but admission council is not that good means you have different department and University in mind but you need to do research on it before choosing any university they shortlist. So do some own research before going with there decision .