Feroz Khans latest movie with son Fardeen in it and accompanying him is ex-Miss India Celina Jaitely. I did not have many expectations from this film, even though it was a Feroz Khan film who has given us Qurbani and other good movies. Yet why did I go and watch it you ask? Well, we had to celebrate something yesterday and sadly, that was the only hindi movie playing in the cinema.
Now, I really dont know what to write here because I think the film hardly had any story. But if you must know, from what I gathered at the end of watching the movie, it was a story about Angara. No, that is not the name of any of the characters, but rather, it is the name of a nightclub owned by Fardeens reel father, Harsh Chhaya. To sell or not to sell that was the question and on top of that some things were thrown in like father-son hatred, the evil foster father and the childhood sweetheart etc. I dont really think the story is worth writing about, but if you must know, you can alway read any of the reviews on other bollywood sites.
My Comments
Well firstly the film has the usual flesh show that Feroz Khan is quite famous for and which I did not appreciate at all. It seems he has found a new Zeenat Aman in Celina Jaitely. There is also a bike race which was mind-blowing (or should I say bike blowing, with so many bikes flying up in the air).
The songs were not to my liking, though they may have been popular. Only two songs were even worth remembering. Dil ne dil se tujhe pukara for the nice violin tune at the beginning and the chorus. Mujhe pyar hone laga hai was a typical dancy love song you would find in any other movie. And honestly, it didnt seem to be in the same genre as the rest of the songs. I must also add that the new actresses did not even lip sync to the song accurately, making it seem very fake. And worse than that is the fact that Adnan Sami and Sukhwinder Singh sang some songs for Fardeen, which did not suit him at all.
Lastly, I come to the most important flaw of the movie, the script! Or the lack of one. There was nothing substantial in the script to warrant a whole three hour movie. The story just seemed to drag on. The theme of the son hating the dad and after the dad is killed, the son goes back to replace him is very similar to Feroz Khans earlier movie Dharmatma. But other than that, there is no depth to the story. Nothing is explained clearly in this movie - why the son hated his dad, why his dad made the mistake he did etc etc.
Ah, and the dialogues. I really cringed at some of them. At one point Harsh Chhaya says, i really loved you mother, ours was a love marriage. So what, people who have arranged marriages do not love each other?. During the bike race I think the commentator said that last years winner was Fardeen, and last year 3 people lost their lives on this track...and this is the first time an Indian will race on this track! which was very contradictory. Somebody correct me if I was wrong.
Oh yes, did I mention how songs kept popping up every other minute. That didnt help the story flow at all, if there was one.
Finally, I quite liked it that the heroine was partially blind. I thought it was different and maybe that movie would be interesting. But this fact is not used at all in the movie other than just reminding the viewer that she is partially blind every once in a while. It was not even that since she was unable to see clearly, she could not recognise someone. With no use in the story, I wonder why they had to make her blind.
There was only one minute in the movie which was interesting and that was the climax. Just a part of it, not even the whole climax. The whole climax as usual lacked a script and was too rushed. The one minute which was quite interesting kind of reminded me of the ending of Kaante. But other than that, I shall not reveal more.
Well, after all I have lamented about it should be quite obvious that I do not recommend this movie. Performances by everyone is pretty average. If the movie is so bad, why have I still given it two starts instead of one, some might wonder. Well, I just think it was at least better than the worst movie I have ever watched (Jaani Dushman) and hence I cant put it in the same category as that. There was Fardeen, whom I like a little, and some of the locales and setting were extravagant. So perhaps for that I gave the movie two stars, or maybe its because I am just too kind.
Thanks for reading! As this is only my second review, I hope you will keep that in mind if I have made any mistakes. Do write a comment!