Geographic coordinates:38.510N, 142.792E
Magnitude: 7.2 M
Depth:14 km
Universal Time (UTC): 9 Mar 2011 02:45:18
Time near the Epicenter: 9 Mar 2011 11:45:18
Local standard time in your area: 9 Mar 2011 02:45:18
Location with respect to nearby cities:
169 km (105 miles) E (80 degrees) of Sendai, Honshu, Japan
196 km (122 miles) SE (133 degrees) of Morioka, Honshu, Japan
221 km (137 miles) ENE (66 degrees) of Fukushima, Honshu, Japan
416 km (258 miles) NE (40 degrees) of TOKYO, Japan
Look at the above report which was the second largest from the current one hit near SENDAI on 9th MARCH between this date and till 12th morning there have been atleast around 37 hits in and around HONSU off or EAST COAST all ranging between 5.8 to 6.2 in RITCHER SCALE and POST TSUNAMI there have been atleast around 25 hits around the same scale.
So there have been nothing recorded on 8.9 RITCHER SCALE during this period only highest recorded was 7.2 before the TSUNAMI hit.
Though I am not a EARTHQUAKE or TSUNAMI identifying specialist but as a common man would like to understand when 7.2 RITCHER SCALE was hit on 09.3.2011 why is that nothing being done ?
Is there any method to find out that the earthquake hit at 8.9 RITCHER SCALE to authenticate our MEDIA claiming.