Dear readers and friends,
The company Jaquar charges some really high rates for cheaply made by impure alloys which is not enough strong and good quality. The company Jaquar charges some high rates and hence I though that the quality will be good and bought all the stuff for my bathroom by this company. The expectations by me were really high and they all just came to a dead end when one of tap in my bathroom actually leaded to one of my cousin had a serious injury.
My cousin was just playing around in the house and he hided in the bathroom while playing hide and seek. He fell because of the tap leaking water on the floor making he tiles really slippery. Even I had fallen but it never leaded me to such a accident. My cousin got a fracture because of hitting the floor.
After 3 years to that incident, almost all of my taps had been changed because of the leakage and the shower broke off when I tried to hang a towel onto it to prank my mom. The towel got stuck on the shower and it came off with the towel.
I will never recommend anyone to use any product by this company as it might lead to a fatal accident in your house as it did in mine.
Thank you.