The story of the middle class, bespecled, made-to-look-ugly secretary turned assistant turned financial incharge of an overdemanding boss is by now very well familiar to every body who have watched even one episode of Sony entertainments top grosser Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahin. So, you all know what the basic story is of Jassi. Therefore I wont trouble u by repeating something which u must have read at least twice if not 60 something times here in MS.
Instead Im going to talk about the characters & my feelings towards them.
Jassi - as I?ve told u initially is the employee in the Gulmohar fashion house under Armaan Suris chairmanship. The 1st time I saw this girl made me think that the producers have gone mad, making a serial on such an ugly looking girl , but it all turned out to be the USP of the show. Yes, I love jassi. Not only bcoz she is hardworking, intelligent and sincere but also bcoz she exuberates cuteness even in her serious somewhat stupid face.... which shows fear even in times of anxiety.
Even with those larger than life specs, laloo style front hair, braces which could pass for her teeth themselves and gunny sac clothes, she has flawless pinkish face, clumsy gait, nervous hand gestures, husky but salty voice and her eagerness to help which makes her the most lovable character in the Indian television screen today (........... ok ok there r others u love more than her).
There is another character whos not as lovable as Jassi but u have to admit that u at least love to Hate him. U got it.......... presenting Armaan Suri. The guy does nothing except jesting with Raj, his best friend and the VP of the company, playing with a tennis ball, devising plans on how to make his life heaven -with apsaraey around all day and thus making his fiancé Mallikas life hell and of course the obvious....shouting at Jassi if she does a little mistake. Apurva Agnihotri has done an unbelievably amazing job playing the brat boss.
I had never expected him to do such a great job after I saw him in Pardes and Hum Ho Gaye Aapke. In fact he was so slack in dialogue delivery there that I couldn?t believe myself that he could actually piece out his dialogues well. Well, well done. Though I still dont like his toothy smile.
Now, though Mallika has decided to leave hell as she has thrown Armaans engagement ring on his face, she is depressed and has also made the serial depressing .......... ok she hasnt made it, its her Armaan and chashmish chuhiya who?s done it.
Mallika, played with great perfection by model-turned-host-turned-actress Rakshanda Khan, has a role which may be called real and not reel. This is bcoz Mallika though a good person at heart is highly gullible and she does do things which may be associated with a vamp like insulting the heroine.
Aryan, her sister is the villain of the story, is surprisingly underwritten or for that matter not written at all. Well, I want to write about him. His characterization is of a rich guy from whose mouth the silver spoon has been snatched without any consideration. The actor, whoever he is, does have that look and also is a perfect cast. But he doesnt look like Rakshandas bro.
There are many others who have the same interesting casting as these. They are ...........
1) Nandu - hes my favorite specially bcoz of his comic timing. And yes he plays Jassis bachpan ka dost.
2) Papaji alias Billu alias Balwant Walia - I last saw him the umpteenth time in a little role as a shopkeeper in Saathiya ( remember vivek and rani cooing through this shopkeepers phone ). He seems to have been lucky to have got a bigger role than that, here playing Jassis ( his Queen Victorias ) dad. He portrays a very unrealistic too possessive father to commendable levels.
3)Mama and Bebe - Jassis mom and grandmom. Bebe has a bigger role than mama ........... surprisingly she wasnt even there in the original Ya Soy Betty La Fea. And she has done it hilariously.
4)Nandus ma - doesnt have much to do
5)Raj - Im extremely sorry I should have written him earlier. He is Armaans langotia yaar cum VP of Gulmohar cum philosopher and guide to Armaan. He seems to be a Gratiano ( from the merchant of Venice of the famous Shakespeare ). Well that describes him alright.
6)Pari - another secretary of Armaan, friend of Mallika and a brainless, wannabe smart bimbo pinned against Jassis brain and popularity. Manini De is a hit. Sometimes I think if she is playing the character or actually living it.
7)Gang - consisting of Bindiya, Maria ( both divorcees along with Pari ), Trishla (the Tarot mistress), Ruby mom ( Maddys helper and oldest in the gang ), Maithili a la Pari and Nazneen r the irritaters of the serial. But I didnt say that they r bad.
8)There r others in the cast which appear and disappear from the Armaans parents, Hansmukhi- Jassis friend and another fashion house MD, Rohan a little kid and of course Purab the serials unlikely Heartthrob. Im saying so bcoz if u ever chance on going to the official message board of Jassi jaisi..... in u will understand what I mean by the phrase.
Purab, is just a character of the serial. So why not just let him be. He is the most famous hunk on TV today. Even though his part seems to be over ppl r brooding over him. Why??
Well, I dont want u all to get stuck with this Question as the Purab fans are stuck with him. I like him better in Saakshhi if u ask me.
Ok, enough of publicity of the show I guess.
Plz give me howlers, if not roses for such a large review.