Jassi jaisi koi nahi....
Channel: Sony TV
Aired at: 9.30 p.m. Monday to Thursday.
Production: Djs - Great producers, Always brings up realistic & everyday life stories, presented in a very sensible way. Always different with a edge ahead, as compared to the routine, boring, & daily soaps. Folks do not remember the oldie...BAB....i.e....Banegi apni baat. Which really discovered good talents like...Ashley, actually the smart turned actor R Madhavan. More good faces like Raman Trikha, the choco choco guy, & many more. A unit which really give a variety & opportunity to fresh starters....So gals & guys...try your luck, if really interested in acting, with this team.
New Resolution : Breaks the rules of christening this soap with the superstitious superimposed K - culture. Ha!!! atlast!!!
Surprise Kit : Jassi, the role character, the whole serial revolves round her. But she is a surprise to all the viewers, Her name is yet to be revealed. New formula applied by the directors, Just to create a fresh curiosity, which shall keep us attached to it daily. Well well keep guessing????? Jassi Kaun??????. Hope we get to know soon Jassi Kaun?.
Overall Cast: Good, fairly chosen faces. Apoorva Agnihotri plays as Armaan, the chairman of Gulmohar, the best Fashion House in town.. A rich, handsome, Casanova. Rakshanda Khan as Mallika, the mallika of Armaan. Raj played by Parmeet sethi, VP, friend plus shareholder of Gulmohar. Pari, the bundled beauty who shares the post of Secretary against Jassi, shes a viceversa of Jassi. Plus few comic nuts, some models as extras.
Acting : Jassi has done justice to her part. Good moving gestures, Lives an impact, good enough to appreciate or curse the characters revolving around Jassi.
Story Line : Jassi a simple middle class Punjabi girl, who is born with master brains, minus beauty, but exceptionally beautiful within. Born with a heart of gold, to be discovered later. She also has her own dreams, even she wants to live a normal life, but is not accepted by the society, since she looks ugly. She struggles to bagg the post of secretary. Storyline good enough to keep the viewers glued to their chairs for atleast half an hour with interest. Till date all the serials were good and interesting, lets hope the feel is same throughout. But one thing is for sure, as usual the Indian stories have a sweet happy end, Jassi shall be the Princess of Beauty some day. Since jassi jaisi koi nahi! Oh gosh.....we all already know this! It is truly said that beauty lies in the beholders eyes, (veiwers eyes) It can be created, it fades as the time flies, but the brains remains for ever. And time shall decide kya really jassi jaisa serial koi nahi, positively or negatively.
Beginning: The Jassi flight has taken off very well, hope it flies smoothly, & reach it’s heights. End: Keep watching to know more, may be after a year & a half!
All the best DJ”s.
Happy viewing folks.