This is my second review after the RD burman 20 best songs review, so please excuse me of anything that breaks ur see, me just a fresher at MS!
Now, can I throw a very sane rational question at all u soap viewers....?
This ones not against any of those saas bahu craps and other family drama far as I am concerned, they dont even exist for me!
What we are talking about here, is one of the most trend-setting(?), path-breaking(?), inspiring-to-the T (?) and very-close-to-life (double ?) shows at the prime time.... JASSI JAISI KOI NAHIN!
Actually, koi ho bhi nahin sakti! I bet, nobody in the world can be so outright DUMB!
I mean, heres this goddamn intelligent, super academic girl, who is recommended by all the bigshots she has worked with....who stammers, stutters, mumbles, rolls her eyes with those irritating holier than thou expressions, and puts on that ever innocent and confused look plasterd on her face? Not acceptable!
Pretty, granted. Not everyone can top the 10 BEST DRESSED ITEMS of the week....nobodys even epecting that!
And my my, those tell me, how can we even digest the fact that a 24-25 (or maybe even more) years old woman still has them on? especially when miss mona sinhgs teeth are model perfect? now really....
Someone who is so proffessionaly unprofessional, that she calls home for the slightet reasons, or sometimes no reasons at all! And that too in between the most important works.... hah!!!!!!
Then u have her irritating gharwalas, who do the same thing, as if iTs jassis own office!!!! Certain thing that are discussed are so irritatingly unimportant, they could easily have been discussed at home!!!!!!!
Heres someone who dosnt take backups for the most important presentations, mies up files and is at her clumsiest best in the office! Someone soooooo out of the world sweet, who would take all the wrath by dear Armaan sir, and wouldnt shout out even once that its actually not her fault!!!!
Irritating? Well, I have just begun!!!!!!!!
Ever thought how much this serial actually unglorifies the the introverts, the salwar-kamez-clads and the not-so-mods? What does this show emphasize at finally, that if u have a wierd dressing sense, and unglamorous outlook, and u end up becoming a loser?
Thanx but no thanx...shows like these, we can do without!
Wanna know the rest of the characters? A http://www...ull be sorry!
We have our dear own mallika, who knows nothing better than spying on her fiance at all the waking hours! Who is again so unproffesional, to taunt her colleagues at every given oppurtunity...that u sometimes feel like shouting out AW CMON!!! MIND UR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!
Raj malhotra, armaans pal (who supposedly is an employee as well {?}) has nothing to do but to flirt with every other pretty sectretary, sexy female client...or just any goddamn female!!!!!!!
And nothing to say about the dear lil chairman of armaan suri!The wimp of the millenium, the escapist of the century....he JUST DOSNT KNOW HIS JOB ! Man...he cant move a finger without raj and jassi...who instead cannot do without her sectretary pals.... poor them, they do most of miss. CEOs jobs...and what do u no...they are SO grossly underpaid!
I mean... ever heard of a fashion house, that is sooo bankrupt, it cannot even pay its employees...and np one even questions, let alone revolt!
The only person who kinda works here is maddy... the most underrated actor in the serial...the great theater artist is being so hopelessly wasted that it makes u wince!
I know, this might be very rash 4 all u jassi fans out was I once upon a time...., but then...this serial puts me off so much, that I had to write this way!