Its such a silly serial, sort of like the Mills and Boon stories, Jassi is said to be an intelligent girl, but is she shown that way, ofcourse not? I watch this serial sometimes just to see if it has any improvement, but it gets worse day by day, no real plot, no interesting aspects, except for the stupid romance they show. Doesnt even seem normal.
I dont think any girl would be like Jassi, horrible attire, very bad specs etc., etc., What do the Sony people want to show? A fairy tale, well, its nothing of that sort. And what intelligence does Jassi show? Cover up the stupid mistakes and flirting of her boss? Is this her job? I dont understand why she falls for Armaan and why Purab falls for her. The thing I hate the most is when she feels shy when Armaan is romancing, ugh, its creepy!!!!