<BJASSI nahin. koi jaisi>
What started off well, is now a whole lot of ham and just doesnt go down your throat. In fact when the serial was first aired, everyone thought the story to be somewaht different. And it was actually good too. But it seems, in a bid to earn more airtime and in turn more money, the makers of this serial have stretched it a little too far and maybe gone over the top. Jassi and Armaan both have done their overacting to the hilt. I mean, I still have to see a girl emloyee shiver infront of her boss.
Its been a lon long time since the serial was aired and probably since then, people have been waiting to see Jassi change into a glam doll (which practically would have been more enjoyable) but its sad to know that a few handfull of people dont really want to see her change.
Come to think of it, how many characters like jassi have anyone of us seen in real life?? Atleast the makers could have had a more feminine, average looking girl instead of our jassi, the ugly duckling. I mean looks is ok, but what about her class?? Any girl working with a fashion house like Gulmohur would be quick to make changes in her looks and demeanour. But our jassi has been shown so intelligent, yet so stubborn and naive, that she just doesnt understand anything....neither life nor people. Jassi in real life is quite hot, in case you guys didnt know. She is infact quite a poular model whos had her presence in quite a few ads on TV (Asian Paints and stuff)
I wouldnt suggest anyone wastin his time on this one......unless there are major changes in the serial and Jassi darling smartens up......and I mean huge changes here. Though there are people who will disagree, but on the whole, I think the serial is grossly overrated.......