Often I have heard little children praying All I want is my two front teeth.Well its a real problem for them and they do get their prayers answered.But imagine a situation when an octogenarian starts praying the same prayer.The result is obvious and unfortunately no amount of such repeated prayers are able to bring back the poor guys lost teeth and with it its glory.The same thing has happened to the serial named Jassi jaisi koi nahin.It started off as a story of a plain girl from the middle class background who struggles to keep everybody happy round her.Her honesty and strength of character amidst any adverse situation were the pillars on which this serial became a huge success even during the times when the famous saas-bahu soaps were at their peaks.It became the goose which laid golden eggs for the producers.But Alas it did not end when it should have or the way it should have.Due to pressures unknown to the viewers this serial started taking twists and turns akin to those in the daily mundane soap operas.The character of Jassi which previously showed similarities with a normal educated girl from a middle class background started metamorphosizing into something like a social butterfly whose moral character can be very well be questioned.The ideals of friendships which were so beautifully portrayed in the start of the serial suddenly either took the colour of a adoring lover or a lap dog.On the other hand Jassi became nothing but the play doll for Armaan Suri and it seemed that all Jassis intellect and self respect drowned infront of the animal magnetism(in this case the animal being a jealous cat) of Armaan.Such is the case now that the producers are prolonging the serial(or should I call it a modified saas-bahu opera!!!)without any real plot in the story and hence behaving like the octogenarian I previously talked about.The characters are going haywire and many characters have just been dropped because of their monotonous behaviour(though I must say they had a good reason to be there when the serial had originally started or rather the motive with which the serial had been originally planned).Hope the producers realise this flaw soon and stop behaving like a child they never can be....