Jassi, the girl next door was a character made specifically for Indian television. Diligent in her duties and responsibilities both at home and office, she wore neatly pressed salwar kameezes, sport black framed glasses and flashes her braced teeth to enthrall 100 million viewers. It became a must see serial within no time.
In the midst of saas bahu kitsch, Jassi was an aberration, a contradiction which
worked its magic slowly into the mind of its audience. We started identifying with her strict Papaji, doting Mataji, nerdy best friend Nandu and the delightful Bebe. On the other side of the spectrum we were introduced to her suave but rakish boss Armaan, his mischievous friend Raj, the sexy Mallika, the evil Aryan, the flowery Maddy, the dumb Pari, the noble Purab and other assorted colleagues of Jassi. The story flowed smoothly with the episodial highs and lows in Jassis life. We were witness to her appointment in Gulmohar, her efforts in solving seemingly unending problems of Armaan and Gulmohar, her one sided love for Armaan, insults heaped on her by Mallika and gang, her board room victories and her endless will power to grin and bear it all. We were all waiting patiently for the story to reach its cresendo when Jassi will finally turn into a swan. As expected Jassi, unable to bear Armaans manipulations fell prey to Mallikas machinations and was forced to leave town. She returned as Jessica the supermodel and does a Count of Montecristo act to clear her name and teach all her detractors a lesson for life.
The transformation of Jassi though dissected by various eminent persons ultimately remain a symbol of wish fulfillment for hundreds of its viewers. Personally I found the whole concept pretty demeaning and regressive for women but I also understand that the whole story of Jassi is built on this final dramatic transformation.
As they say all good things comes to an end. Problem happens when they do not end and turn into bad things. The story of Jassi is at present going from bad to worse. Arman, all set to marry Jassi a few episodes back is now married to Mallika and Jassi is trying her best to become a nun in Nainital.
From a must saw serial Jassi is now a just see serial. I am sure the makers and producers know that. They are obviously not dumb, otherwise they would not have thought of creating Jassi. The only problem is that in order to cash the last drip of milk from the cow called Jassi they expose the fact that creativity today need to be sacrificed in the altar of consumerism.
The content of this serial which extolls middle class values is at present in direct contradiction with the reason behind its existence. Maybe one day somebody will make a serial on this contradiction itself.