Being an Automobile engineer I never thought I would be in the field of Computers one day.
Well, today I am in this field and I have gone through the phases of this IT revolution.
I started programming in FOXPRO(Dos based) when I entered into the world of computers.
I just loved programming.
Before learning JAVA, I knew C, C++ languages.I think to start programming in JAVA one should be familiar in programming and particularly in C++. Because JAVA itself is an Object Oriented Programming Language, and if you know C++ before you take up JAVA it will be very helpful.
I possess this JAVA2 complete reference book with me, and I will tell you , this is a book worth its name. Its an complete reference , which teaches you from the very basic of OOPS to advanced topics.
This book is really worth to possess.
Though currently I am working with databases and front-ends, but learning JAVA is a treat. And with such an excellent book, you just can start programming easily and at a rapid pace.
I really appreciate this book for the literature and examples.
The language used in this book is very simple english which makes many of the things to understand very easily.
Illustration of literature with examples is very clear.
If anybody is going for programming in JAVA, make sure you possess this book.