I have completed my intermediate from this school. I was selected in 2007 through entrance examination. This Navodaya is one of the best Navodayas of Bihar. It has newly launched infrastructure. It has co-educational set up so both boy and a girl share same classrooms as well as mess. Girls are totally secured here. It serves four times delicious meals i.e. Morning breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, dinner. Students spend their golden age here so there are arrangements of all round developments equipments. It has good quality sports items, musical instruments, books etc. Through morning physical training students keep fit themselves. Teachers here are not merely a teacher but parents too. They keep good care of students. Theres medical facilities inside the campus. In any emergency there is a ambulance cum bus which takes patient to the city hospital. Spending 7 years of ones life creates some type of strong connection to that place, people and students there. Classes run from 7am to 1am. Theres an arrangement of remedial classes for poor students too. Remedial classes usually run from 3pm to 4pm. There is a self study time period during which students are not allowed to roam here and there but study. This period is usually from 6pm to 8:30pm. On each Saturday theres a permission to watch movies together in mess by either DVD or Dish. Again cultural programme is held from time to time and on special occasions like teachers day, saraswati puja, farewell etc
Really this is a good place for all round development of a child. Selection in this school is a blessing in itself. I want my navodaya days back. Once again I want to live my Navodaya life. I miss you Navodaya.