I did my both Engineering UG & PG from JNTUH. I have a bitter experience regarding everything. First thing is that students rely mainly on cheating & malpractice in exams. No university changes its examination centers but this university does. Isnt it an immature way to prevent malpractice in colleges?
No classes & no faculties in its constituent colleges. You have to rely on yourself. You cannot expect to get passed even if you attempt all the questions. Anything can happen with your answer script. Postponing of every semester exam is not a new thing. Administration is also at Zero level. My photo was wrongly mentioned in my B.Tech PC & I swear while in college I applied for its correction three times. Still it didnt got corrected & at last university authorities asked me to pay a DD of 10, 000/- for the correction of photo, which other universities in India do at a cost of 1000/- rupees maximum. This shows the negligence of the administration.
These are just a few highlights. If I write the experience of being a student for 6 years, then I have to keep writing for days.!