U need to be a BIG emraan hasmi fan to enjoy this movie. I love celina jaitley and admire all the work she does, but I didnt expect this big of a failure from her. Emraan can NOT do comedy. He is better in his ladki wooer roles and steamy scenes. He overacted a lot. Harshita bhatt was obviously trying something new, and I did NOT work for her. Celina was the star of the film, her sweet voice, her acting wasnt as bad as previous films. she kind of pulled the film together. The movie is about emraan who needs money and high status, so he falls in love with harshita bhatt, daughter of some rich guy. emraan goes out of town, and falls in love with celina. she is friends with some big gunda(mahesh manjrekkar) who forces them to get married. Emraan is now stuck in the middle. he has married this dancer who makes little money, and has a lover waiting back home who has millions. who should he choose..obviously the money. he goes back after getting a divorce. harshita and her dad plot against him...emraan returns to celina..kahani katam.
stupid story