My sister saw my this jbl portable speaker and she loved it. Said she wants one too. Trouble is it is no longer available at most online stores for the 6XXX I purchased it for. So I thought about her needs and decided to give the JBL GO a chance. While I am aware that I should have probably gone for something like the Flip or Bose Soundlink Color, I purchased this and here is my experience.
1) The packaging is compact, easy to open and get ready. There was no charge but the battery is only 600MAH so I plugged it into my 11, 000mah power charger and within 5 minutes was able to pair
2) The sound is not excessively loud. I would go as far as saying that my Macbook Pro has a far better sound than these so unless you have a 2010 computer or a phone with a really "not loud" speaker, this wont do the trick for you
3) The sound has no semblance of depositing the sounds anywhere but exactly where youve placed it. In the sense it lacks the depth in vocals to be effective of a party of more than 2 people.
4) At max volume, people in the room are wondering if thats actually maximum volume. The sound has no semblance of bass, woofer or that extra oomph( even 20% would have done it)
The trajectory is more flat than convincingly helpful for sound. The battery lasted 5hours 32 minutes when I used it for the first time at 75% volume straight up. The build quality is decent and it works at a good distance without interruptions.
I didnt try taking phone calls because by then I had decided this product is not worth the money I spent. I feel I can get far better sounding speakers at 2150. What am I going to do? Im going to probably go for the bose sound link color or jbl flip 2.
Why? Because they are louder, more durable it seems and you actually feel they will last longer with more years to go before giving up.