I bought it for Rs. 8, 000 in August, 2020 from the Harman website. The power is just 16W; so, theres no sound quality whatsoever worth speaking about. More importantly, the battery did not last even for 2 years. It was lying unused for more than four months. So, I decided to go for the replacement battery. I had it replaced by JBLs authorized service center on January 4, 2023 for Rs. 1, 831.36.(Rs. 1, 200 is the battery price but they will charge you Rs. 500 for a job that takes less than 10 minutes. The rest is taxes.). I did not go myself; so, I had to spend Rs. 500 for someone to go and do it for me.
The replaced battery is not genuine and wont work for much more than 3 hours(JBL claims 12 hours). I complained to JBL in India. They want me to take it back to their service center. I requested them to send someone with a genuine battery., but they refused. That will cost me another Rs. 500. I have decided to junk the speaker altogether.
Overall, its a rip-off any way you look at it. For the Rs. 2, 331.36 that I wasted on just the replacement battery, I could have bought much better speakers.
Dont just go by the hype; beware of these things before you buy it; otherwise, you too will repent your decision like I am doing right now.