Helo friends.! I am gonna give u a best review about this headphone.the JBL T110 is the product with non effecting issues on ears .but although it is made for non effecting but it effects alot and everyone is not a doctor that he/she can analyze it.it costs too high as compared to the other headphones, and even it is not perfectly suitable for old sets like nokia, micromax old version phones.! its earbuds is also in such a shape that non of the air paases inside the ears and a person gets fully mumerized in the sound he dont even hear little whts going outside which is not good.and if a person by mistake keeps the full sound and hears the songs of somethings than it can create many troubles.! last but not the least I would suggest u to by either of sennheiser or some other as u feel best rather choosing this.! thank you