If you have seen any of the slasher flicks of the late 90s after the surge of the Scream movies you know that the genre has become very ridiculed and extremely over done. This is something that is somewhat remedied in Jeepers Creepers.
While this isnt a perfect horror movie by far, it is a lot of fun. It obviously filmed with a very low budget, and had they more money to advertise it could have been a larger hit than it was.
The movie begins with a very cool intro to the 2 main charcters, who are brother and sister, bickering from far off in a car and it gradually gets closer. They meet this giant armored car that in a psychotic rage runs them off the road. They eventually find dead bodies and suspect the crazy driver. If you have seen the previews then you know that they find out that it is some kind of demon. The movies then becomes one long chase sequence in which they battle this creature.
Jeepers Creepers evokes some great scares and introduces some interesting monster ideas, that if tweeked a little bit more could have been one of the greatest movie monsters in a long time. With the sequel in development this series is bound to become a cult favorite when released on video. So watch for it.