PLEASE READ THIS GUYS: JEETLE is a 100% FRAUD site. They Manipulates the result at the Last peak moment when The Auction comes closer to an End. I have Experienced several times and I had stopped bidding on Jeetle. Guys I suggest you all to DONT WASTE your MONEY and TIME on Jeetle. Its a Fraud site. They had their own members who are playing and manipulating the results.
How someone lose Whose name is their as "Lowest Unique Bidder" since the last 2 minutes and most important Who saved their auction by bidding 1000 bids over up to it I mean over "lowest unique bid ".most of them are "Unique but not Lowest", and the Auction just before couples of min minutes All the Bid Becomes " Not unique", How this is possible? How some one could beat in such a large numbers?.
Jeetle members have full information about the bidder in their system. They are watching the auction and finally at the end they manipulates the result ESPECIALLY ON THE PRODUCTS OF HIGHER VALUE.
JEETLE should change their name to "LOOTLE"