JeetLe is Best Auction Website. Just Read the comparison.who is fraud and who is genuine.
Also Rate my Research and Hard work.How do u like.
1st of all.Let me clear on thing to those who will right all the nonsense for me. that I am not the spokesperson for the Jeetle and neither have played on the website but have done enough research on the Reverse Auction.
Let find out some Reverse Auction Website which are running by Indian people or running in India.
Kambola - Indiatimes
Daily Jeeto
Spicy Bids
7 Indian Bids etc etc.
Now lets compare the credibility.
Kambola - Indiatimes. came with big boom in the market and closed good products.but I dont know beuase they were cheating or dont know how to run business, right now begging for the business and running mobile bluetooth and memory chips for th last few months. - They also came with the same concept and copied everything from the competitors website. Closed few of the auction but now their condition is also like Indiatimes. Wait one more intersting thing about them. since last 2 months .they are increasing the dates for the 3 products.and not able to close single auction since 2 why this .i dont knwo the reason.Products were 2nd grade or dont knwo how to run the business.
DailyJeeto.they are biggest copy cat in the industry.copied everthing from the compititor.even FAQ, terms and condition .look and feel. they are one the most un-roffsional company I have ever seen in the business as they have launched half- cooked product and shown winners for the date which yet not came. attached is the screenshot. .they are also closing few products but and again 2nd grade products and limited to few thousand worth of.
Grabdeal. they seems to have given good competition to those who are genuine. But interestingly what I have found that the people who are rnning are from the Jeetle . then I came to knwo that Jeetle had sue - Legal case on them and eventually closed down. Know few facts. their products are also 2 nd grade.and now they have 3 product for last 4 months and not able to closed.
Spicy Bids.they are real cheaters .they claim that they close many products but you will find only few winners on their website and of-course with the piddly pack of few thousand rupees.but not the product. where the product gone MAN.!
Now compare this with.JEETLE. have closed 1st auction in Dec 2009. Since then they are running this website. Product on the website is quite Good.high value and they Keep on increasing the products.
NOW Let SEE the winners List for all:
1> Kambola. their winners seems genuine as they have winners from all India. but point to ponder is.why everytime they have new that previous winners dont want to win more.
2> Khazaana. winners are only from south India. limited to few members.
3> Daily Jeeto.their winner list is most corrupted. winners don;t have any identity.
4> Grabdeal: they have good winner list but again many winners dont have any identity are many time repeated . Best thing those who dont have any identity won big products.they is foul play.and must be cheating.
5>SPicy Bids:. cant tell as they have nly Indian who had won their bid packs and no product.If any product then they are piddly products, dont have worth of having it.
6> JeetLe: . Just check the winner list BOSSS.! . they have so many winners. their credentials are given. No company in the world can make fraud winners and with the photographs. if they cheat then people whos pics was uploaded can sue the company.
Now check the product dispatch activity:
Kambola, Khazaana, Spicy, Indian Bid, Grabdeal. no one has proof that product was actually delivered to the winner or not. they dont show any proof.
Compare with JeetLe:
they have shown the product delivery proof on the winner sheet. . NOW POINT to PONDER. Why Big names like BlueDart- DTDC- Indian Postal will do fraud.chekc the POD number and check that. call their customer care and check the authenticity.
Products on the website.
Kambola, Khazaana, Spicy, Indian Bid, Grabdeal.have only few products or piddly product on Auction.
Now compare this with Jeetle products.
Just See the products Man.! they are mouth watering products. bikes. high end fridges. Mobiles etc etc. their product category is gr888. no one has match to them.
Scheme on the website:
Kambola, Khazaana, Spicy, Indian Bid, Grabdeal. no one has user friendly Scheme for the players
Now compare this with Jeetle schemes.
Man.! jst check the cheme for the players. play and win scooty. Register and get gold. deposit and get many products. etc etc. no other website have such schemes.
Now its up to you friends. to decide. who is genuine and who is fraud.
All those who are Barking that who is fraud and who is not. they should go to my points.
Look, allegation can be made by any fool or genuine people and by competitors also. So you put ur brain to think.
Because of some foolish people you may end up closing a wonderful website who are providing opportunity to buy at such a low cost.