I read every ones comment .
I also have lost money here .when I started loosing I though t track as what is going on .here are my observations:
- They would make out of so big population in india, they will make sure for winners so that there is always conflict between who has won and who has not .In this case it will never be proofed that it is PURE fake site .
2.I bid in a product and I had strategy and analystics in mind .If you use RANDOM() function excel it will give you a random number between 2 values .The inital value which I put got as unique and lowest .However 3 hours was left .but in next hout it got changed that I am not the unique and lowest.So that means that guy has put a number lower than me .I used my analytics exp and found another one and it was close to 25 paise .what I did immediately is I filled the entire range from 0.25 to 0.01 .So there are no chance for any one to bid that number .I was the one unique and lowest for 2 hours .I have al the screen shot till last 1 hour .Just 3 min before the close, my name got changed .If I have fill all the numbers, how can anyone else make a unique and lowest bid .I realized that this is fake .
I chatted with customer care and said "Why ur emai id is "GMAIL.COM".Why not ur domain .com .She told me "What is ur problem with the website, Whats wrong in having .gmail.com .I told if ur registered under the IT act, you cannot have .gmail.com /She refusde to say anything .that means she was faking .
I tried contacting people who are the winners in FACEBOOK.you would find may but none replied .
5.In any biding, take for example in reality, there would be people from the same buisness who would be bidding and you would later come to know that the person is bidding is from teh same org or buisness .SO where the product went .Back to the business .
6.If I have to pay tax and all such stuffs what the point of bididng .Even no gaurnateee of the product .
7.They wil have sure for some winners so that 100% people do not say its fake .To earn more they would obiviously make someone happy .
Actually this is fake website and everthing which is owned in India beacuse they want to fool india .Lets take an example of AMYWAY, though amyway is multimarketing and there are many things which are hiddedn but as the product is concerned they are very very good .What I mean to say is that in INDIAN buisness fake is certain, but other countries buisness, they would atleast add value either in terms of product or anything .BUT in indian buinsess its a full loss.
Finally, I would say one should not loose money in any bidding .