About 10 days back Jet Airways flight to Indore landed in INdore with a thud. It landed so badly that it went off the runway and landed in mud patch. Who know what happened while landing but reports say that it was all a bad scenario. Several passenger were injured and one of them has some major injuries. Today, in the morning newspaper I saw the photograph of the plane - Naidunia, 14 July - Hindi Daily, the plane was still lying there. it could not be taken out of mud even with the help of cranes?
Good god! This is not the first time it has happened at Indore airport! before that a plane has smashed into the airport wall.! I dont remember which plane it was but enough to scare you out of your wits!
Does Indian aviation industry has anything called as industry standards, security measures, capable machinery, trauma handling for injured, sophisticated mechnism and most of all TRAINED PROFESSIONALs to handle lives of thousands of people each day?
One monsoon shower, one night of heavy rainfall, one hour of missing electric supply, just one instance is really enough to reveal all the false claims that make us put our lives in the hands to these people each day.
If you land in Singapore, you see flyovers, blue sea, skycrapers and the view is beautiful. You land in any country, Turkey, US, HongKong, or even Colombo, its lovely to look out of the window and view the city. But when you land in Mumbai? .any guesses guys.? - YOU HAVE SLUMS!:O
Our airports, mushrooming airlines, rising air travellers and scarcity of untrained staff and sophisticated machines and infrastructure are enough to make one start thinking about whats happening around?
The growth in income levels, rising levels of lifestyle, branding has been exponential but in contrast to it the growth in support mechanisms, infrastructure, etc has been only in multiples.
I really wonder what would happen to me in high skies in case of emergencies or mishap.
do we have any idea about capabilities of our flight captains when we board the train. The rhetoric in-flight demo is all we see when each flight takes off
but how many emergencies these flight attendants have really faced?
Would they be able to keep their own calm and support panic striken passengers?
or are they only highly painted smiling faces straight out of Air-hostess training schools?
Are their petit personalities capable of handling bigger passengers or are they enough for serving food and orange juices?
do they hv fitness training? emergency or trauma handling training?
I am a regualr air-traveller and I travel with kids? Quit flying is really no solution. But its about time people like me and all you air-travellers and their families have had some answers! After all everyone is related and every one gets affected sometime or the other?