The service of JetAirways has reached a unprecendented low.
I had a flight from Chicago to Kathmandu via New Delhi. In Delhi I had a 13 hour transit. I had two checked baggage from US and I had already paid extra$60 for one of the baggage.
I was planning on staying at the airport for the 13 hour transit but I had reserved a hotel just in case. Upon arrival at the airport I was told that due to recent rule change I could not stay at the airport. I asked the JET AIRWAYS staff whether there would be a problem for me because I would need to recheck the bags. I was told there would be no problem,
Upon coming back to the airport for my flight I was told I would need to pay RS 200 per Kilogram for my luggage. Please remember that in international flights almost all the airlines allow upto 100 lbs(45 Kilogram) of luggage free. I would almost have to pay$150 to check in my lugggage. There was another girl with me who was in a similar situation. We both argued with the JET AIRWAYS for almost 2 hours with 10 different people. We were almost about to pay since our flight would be delayed when we told them we will pay but we will complain and told them to give us complaint form. Then their tone changed and told us to just check it in.
So all they were they trying to do was bribe us out of$150 for the luggage. Are you serious? JET AIRWAYS is an international airlines and with that kind of service I will never recomment JET AIRWAYS to anyone. NEVER AGAIN will I fly this stupid AIRLINES whose staff dont have the manner nor the courtesy to follow the rules and regulations. It is this kind of practices due to which JET AIRWAYS will NEVER get my SERVICE AGAIN.