Jet Airways is Indias leading airline and has surely maintained consistent standards over the years.It has been the only quality airline which we have been used to over the years and obviously all of us have a very high opinion of Jet. To add to this they now fly abroad at very competitive rates which gives another reason to endorse this airline.
Yet if you look at the value Jet is offering for the money you pay, I am certainly not impressed.Why ? Because of the following reasons :-
No Bang for Buck-They charge you a fortune even while other carriers like Kingfisher are giving more for less, Jet has not reduced fares. On the routes I travel, the price for a Jet Airways ticket is almost double that of Kingfisher where its Kingfisher offering better experience , better food and In-flight entertainment.And on the other hand common mans airlines like Air Deccan give you value for the cheap fares you pay.So why should we cough up more for flying with Mr Naresh Goyal & co .
Horrible seating- Jet Airways seats are as cramped as one can get.Tall people like me have to pray that the emergency exit seat has not been taken already else we would be subjected to the torture of those narrow seats.Partially this may be because these are Boeing planes whereas others are Airbus but I have noticed this acutely with Jet and my knees agree with me ;-)
Dull & Boring - The first time I walked into a Jet flight I really found the colour combination to be garish and wierd.In addition to this the food is predictably bad every time.The only exception is the buttermilk which they serve which is always refreshing.Also the menu has not been altered for years and theres always an overdose of paneer to the distaste of south indians like me.
Geographical Bias - This is a personal point but I feel that if given a choice Jet shall delay a Chennai/any south based flight and would let a Delhi /Mumbai flight proceed on time.I have noticed that on more than one occasion and hope it is only a coincidence.
May be I am just bored of Jet and I should give it another chance.But I really hope that they pull up their socks and try to impress me for the money they charge.They better do because if they behave like a monopoly then they would find it tough to fly in these competitive times.
One good point for flying with Jet remains that now they have access to international routes and at those rates you would get better value than a foreign airline where you would not get any inflight service or attention.
But hey!!! please show me a convincing case for flying domestic with you guys .
So the key point is that Jet should wake up to the needs of economy class passengers like us .After all we contribute more revenue than the hobnobbing politicians who fly business class in Jet for free !!! Ha ha ! Dont you agree folks...