I frequently fly between India and SIngapore. I generally use Singapore Airlines or Kingfisher. However, this time I decided to use Jet. ON my flight from Delhi to Singapore, I had a check in baggae of 30 kgs. Anyone flying on an international route generally know that airlines allow upto 30 kgs (although they write 20 kgs allowed) in check-in and above that is generally charge you. In fact when I flew SQ to Cochin last month, I had 28 kgs, and teh ground staff did not mention it. Ditto on Kingfisher when I fly that. However, teh Jet lady in the Premier Class counter (October 22 morning) looked at me pointedly and said that she will charge me for teh whole 10 kgs. I was slightly surprised and try to politely check with her that on my flight to Delhi I had teh same baggage but was not charged. She gave some excuse for that which I did not understand.
Then after speaking a bit (mind you I was extremely polite) I took out my card for charging and then she said she will only charge 7 kgs. I said 3 kgs reduction is very less - and then you can believe what she said - SHE SAID THAT IF I THINK 3 KGS REDUCTION IS VERY LESS THEN SHE WILL JUST CHARGE ME THE COMPLETE 10 KGS - AND IN AN EXTREMELY RUDE TONE. She wanted me to plead with her and say that pls charge me only 7 kgs then. I said go ahead maam if thats what u want. SHe was so rude - she called that guy and said, pls charge her teh complete 10 kgs. Not only have I never paid baggage charges upto 30 kgs, I have never ever been charged excees baggage without any leeway at all. That too on a flight that was 60% empty!! If I paid that 200$ that she charged me, I would have travelled in SQ and would have got a better food, service and entertainment choices.
Even the airhostess in teh flight act as if they are doing a favour on you by getting you drinks. Horrible!!!