Honestly I have no issues with Jet airways, but I couldnt find space to write review about AVA products marketed by Jet Airways in the air. I wasted by Rs. 600 by buying Aigor watch on 3rd November 2010 while fyling from Assam to Kolkata. I collected the watch from Kolkata Airport. Initial 2 days experience was nice as it looks beautiful esthetically but at the end of the day quality matters. After two days watch has shown its original quality. it gets dealyed by one hour after every 6-7 hours. I mean if I set the time now, after six hours it will show the time one hour late than the actual time. I thought it must be cell problem, I repalced the cell at one of the famous watch showroom of Baroda but in vain. I gave it again for servicing, showroom people told me that one wheel needs to be replaced for proper operation. I did that by spending Rs. 350(Remember I bought the watch at Rs. 600 - 60% Repair cost). But after replacing the wheel I experienced the same problem. the watch is still lying in showroom and now they are trying to improve the performance by replacing the circuit. God only knows wether it will work or not. My personal advice to all my MS friends not to get tempted with the marketing made by Jet and AVA together. they are simply cheating us nothing more. This is not the end of story, for your surprise I tell you that I also bought the sun glass along with watch by paying Rs. 600. but the fitment was not proper so finally I had to gift the same to friend of mine!. I burnt my Fingers, please save yours.
From: Krunal