Hi All
To those who rave about jet, I am with you, and to those who have an issue as well, I am supoprtive. I have been a frequent flier with Jet since 2000 and the quality of food and more so the air crew has gone down sharply. seems like they have new under trained snooty women who think we fly for free. they have serive slvry issues.. well if I am paying 20K or 4 k for a ticket it does not matter. I am flying JET and I expect and demand certain standards that are comitted by the carrier. what so ever the reason of the downward trend is, it is hitting your rattings . do you want to be equated with Sahara or IC or Deccan. I am sure the answer is a vehement NO. And hey guys train your pilots how to land. I have experienced some real bad landings in Pune. the Spice guys did a better job. so much for your vast infrastructure. well not all is that bad. exceptions are what I am talking about. given a choice today, even if I can fly international through an indian carrier, leave alone, domestic, I would choose jet. I place my life in there hands and trust them to do me jusitice, and thats what has happened each time. I am proud that India has a workd class airlines and its called JET. carriers like Kingfisher have a long way to go to get such remarks. they are new, all new guys do a good job, I will want to see them 5 years later.
Just get your air hostesses a little more polite. they are bordering on a snootyness and scowl factor, which is more in sync with IA and AI.
It is the only airfline that has given and dlvrd world class air planes, service and standards to us. keep it that way. we all do mistakes, the idea is to rectify them
Three cheers