Hi, every one, I would like to share my view about Jetking Center at Sewree. When I saw the other reviews of some jetking centers I felt that I should write something which changed my life. I was an ordinary student during my school and college.
I saw Jetking ad and the 100% job guarranty sentence. I thought this must be another gimmick to attract students like me. But I still went ahead and made an enquiry. I thought it will be difficult to understand the technical courses. But the way the teacher taught me and took efforts on students like me who were from commerce and arts background.
I completed my course and with a pleasant surprise I got job within 15 days of my result I got a good job. I mean it was so simple that I never thought I wil get a good job so soon . Anyways guys, I had a nice experience from Jetking and I wanted to share it.
Ciao Pramod