Want to share the bad experience we had with Jet Lite.
We(me, my husband and my 14 yr. old daughter) had booked a round trip to Bangalore on Jet Lite from Chennai; we had opted for the last flight on Friday night for dep and return by 20:25 flight on Sunday. I had booked my tickets thru Make My trip.
We were on the way to the airport around 8:00 pm when my friend informed me that the flight is delayed to 1:20 am(next day morning) I did not get any SMS, they claim they sent me one and since my number was incorrectly provided I did not receive it!
We proceeded to the airport to check fi we could hitch on to any other carrier, but there was only Spice and they were already full
What bothers me most is the attitude of the JET LITE airport personnel, who were not apologetic and who really did not think it is a BIG deal for the flight to be delayed by 4 hrs. They just casually told everyone that the flight is delayed to 1:20 am and we would be reaching Bangalore by 2:00am.They did not even clearly tell us why the flight was delayed
But when I questioned that if they would arrange transport for us because we would be landing at such unearthly hours, they said “NO”……they said “you have bought a very cheap ticket and the clauses say that they will not provide any transport etc.”
Since we has to wait for 4 hrs. in the airport, I then requested them if we could wait in their lounge, even this was denied… of course they offered to serve us dinner.
There were a lot of single women on this flight and all of them had no choice but wait…after some time they advanced the flight timing to 1:50am and this information was given only when we asked them!
There was no guarantee that the flight was going to take off at 2:00 am from Chennai, imagine landing at 3:00 am in Bangalore looking for transport, we have a Police chief telling girls not to go out night alone and we have airline carriers who don’t care about passengers because we bought cheap ticket!
We changed our ticket to next day, which was not offered as a choice at first, but since they saw me as a trouble maker they offered me tickets for next day morning and sent me on my way…
About my co-passengers I do not when they reached Bangalore!