I am a frequent flier with Air Sahara....and my experience gets better with each trip..with or without delays!!!! This company really makes an effort to reach out to people!! I agree during the merger most of the staff were quite stressed and one cud sense their stress!but all is well that ends well..I am so glad the merger didnt happen or else the staff wud become as cold as jet staff(or for all we knw they wud change the attitude of the Jet staff!!!)
The delays are not really in any airlines hand..the staff dnt enjoy staying late at wrk at odd hours(who wud??)....it cud be anything....ATC clearence, technical delay or an medical emergency onboard the incoming flight or may be air traffic....certain things the airline staff cannot disclose to its passengers!But wat are we all complaining abt..dnt we all wanna be safe....we rather be late but absolutely safe....rite!!!!The ground staff wud be more then happy to send the aircraft off asap but they tke extra care for our safety....we are the ones who will be 35000 feet up in air rite!!!!
In other fields like bank and other areas where things can very well be in our control we are kept waiting for hours....Thats unfair!
With Sahara, I hv seen it all....Delays, cancelled flights, diversion and landing during floods in Mumbai....but my experience has always been a pleasure!will share a few here....
Its always a pleasure flying Sahara, but the pleasure reaches the sky when its a flight with Capt. Danny Desai!!!! What a man..full of principles yet so entertaining....Have had the opportunity to fly wid him abt 7 to 8 times!(hv to fly a lot for wrk!!!!)All the times that I hv travelled wid him he has never repeated a single sentence..(does he have his own glossary kit!)Its always clever, witty, quick and funny....whether its simply greeting u or giving u some flight information!Everytime I travel wid him I see umpteen number of msges for him coming frm the passengers..Once a group of 18 of us were travelling frm wrk and none of us were really sitting together..and as usual there were these letters handed over to the flight attendents to gv to Capt. Desai...later I realised all my colleagues had written for the Captain coz they were so mesmerised by his speech!Another incident was that, I was on my way to mumbai on the day of the floods last year..the aircraft was already boarded when we got the news of heavy flooding in mumbai..we all waited inside the aircraft thinking that it wud be cancelled....soon the aircraft started moving towards the runway and we all started praying..and just then there was an annoucement frm the cockpit..It said this is ur Capt..Capt.Danny Desai..thats when I was relieved and knew we wud land safely..he always makes sure each and every passenger are comfortable!In the arrival hall passengers met him as though he was a hero!(he indeed is!)Its defficult to find someone so dedicated to his work and so knowledgable abt any topic..
Now before each flight I pray..not for the safety of the flight but to fly with Capt. Danny Desai.Salute to u sir!!
Sahara over all is a very warm and welcoming experience!!!!!Great going.....