While you look at the talented star-cast and the directors name Sameep Kang who had directed some punjabi movies in the past, I cant say one can expect this to be the disaster it turned out to be.
The story wasnt having any surprising elements but with the same story and same cast a much more tolerable movie could be made. Story seems a cocktail of movies like houseful, houseful 2, garam masala and many more movies. story just revolves around the misunderstandings between two families and how this misunderstanding affects the life of our lead characters. The story was supposed to make us laugh by creating the confusion but the story telling was so poor that hardly any public was laughing in the cinema hall.
Performance is above average. we have some good actors in the movie like Rishi Kapoor, Omkaar Kapoor, Sunny Singh and Jimmy Shergil. But there was nothing the star cast could possibly do to lift up the movie.
Music is below average. Even Honey SIngh came up with a rubbish song and the song saturday night too is just intolerable. the songs just made the movie worse.
The direction and cinematography is just poor. Even some of the TV serials can entertain more than this movie. there is no proper character development and very poor narration . The director should turn back to punjabi movies unless he makes some serious changes to his film making.
So the movie is very intolerable if you really want to waste your money, go and watch the movie but I will suggest not to do so.