Wow, what can I say about this book? Almost done with it, and its been a very wild ride. There is so much info in this book that I never knew about Jim, and his crazymoods. Calm, sweet, polite and gentle one minute, and an absolute wild man the next! Sadly, with all the drugs and drinking he did, Im amazed that he lived as long as he did. He was vulgar and disgusting much of the time, and many of these accounts are described in detail, but only happened when he was wasted.
The book is very sad and emotoinal. Jim was a gifted poet and reader with a high IQ, and never had aspirations to become a singer. Yet ended up being in one of the top bands of the sixties. The book kept my interest much of the time, and there arent really any drawn-out, boring parts. It keeps you wondering what will happen next. For people who are hungry for information about Jim, you cant go wrong with this book.