I finally got this platform to write something about that company which made me angry first time.I had no source to take action against with them.I started working with that company on 1st of July 2017.I had selected for Zomato chat in Moti nagar location.There were 60 employee they all were there for certification.I have cleared the certification part then I moved to Ojt(On job training).We were 40 employees who have cleared the certification part out of 60.
I had attended chats on floor while Ojt period with my office employees before that we all have cleared the training part as well.Our trainer was Sidharth chatarjee who still working with that company.He is the only person who made me angry on him as well as his management.
While working there for 15 days suddenly my access card was not working since three days.And Ojt support people did not mark my attendance since 3 days simultaneously. Whenever I asked them why are not you mark my attendance then everyday they told me no need to worry we are here to help you.Then I went to hr for some documents purpose then I shocked when they asked me who took you certification then I told them Sidharth.
They called Sidharth along with his higher manager and then they called me, we all gathered in a room then he was standing in front of me along with Hr of Jindal Who is Mr.Joy.They treated me as I dont know about company policy then they asked him in front of me.Then He denied to accept that I got cleared the certification he was telling me I did not say that youve cleared the certification.
This is pathetic I told them to check camera recordings when he told me that I have cleared the certification.
Uneducated people with cheap behaviour.
I recommend to everyone not to join such company.