There a a lot of apps which are available to read online published e versions of various books and articles .Well as many charge a fee for that JioMags is a free to use app for all jio customers .This app is offered free of cost to the jio customers as a complimentary subscription to jio services .
I should say the concept is good, But the app needs a lot improvement since it takes time to laod every page and that would surely ruin the reading mood of any person.Also this app is not updated with fresh titles so we can only see about one to two month old titles of the magazine which we want to take .Also there are ads constantly popping up when we read .There is an option to save the e versions to your device, But the e versions of various books available online consume a lot of data and thus take time to get saved to the device .Also there are just limited number of magazines available online so we could not expect to see out favorite magazines online .Though the service is free, but could have been better if the app was designed and checked properly and should have been made to comply with jios network so that the books load instantly .That would have been a good experience.