JIO security application is so useful for you.
If you are JIO user then please install this applications for you mobile security and safety .
Concept: - this application are help you to safe you all data and files which you saved in you phone and security will no other option to open with out your permission.
Feature: - Jio security have application lock, hide your files, backup you contact, and most important thing mobile tracker function is also available in this app and it work.
how it works: - install this application sign up your account with your JIO mobile number and create a account after that if you want to hide your photo videos from your gallery to keep safe then this application gives you storage to save you file,
after that if your phone will lost and you want to know where is your phone current location from where the phone is, so if you have this applications then you dont have to worry about your phone the thief will return to you? because the location is never close when some one enter new sim after eject you sim then the application send you massage on you alternative mobile number .
as mu suggestion please use it and keep your phone safe.
thank you