I had to sit through this movie because I paid over a 100 bucks for it.
Its hard to believe that a movie can be made that has nothing going
for it. Idiotic dialogues wrapped up in gaudy phoren locations. I
believe this the first movie in which the audience actually audibly
groaned at the jokes that it tried to imply.
In addition to that, add two UGLY women who only got roles because they
can show off. I would never want to see anything that they had to
show. BAD BAD acting, coupled with a story that is absolutely stupid, I
feel stupid for having watched this movie. HELP! (sob) I cant even
begin to count the flaws, there is just not anything interesting here.
In a scene, two characters jump of a bridge into water, and later they
are shown completely dry and the lady has her make-up intact. Plus, a
character is not supposed to have a thumb, and in the final scenes, we
plainly see the thumb front on. The FBI succumb to the trivial
eccentricities of a village cop from India, ya right. And, what
more...we have bird bombs blasting away an important building in New
York, FBI plotting to kill the president of the USA, two bimbos,
religious sentiment, ah...the basic Bollywood mish-mash.
If you are going on a date and want to set the evening up nicely, go to
this movie. She will be so bored out of her brains, shell do anything
to make life more interesting ;)! Its a no-brainer!