I dont know about the kind of placement services does JobsAhead really provide, but Im really pissed off with the kind of advertised services that they are offering. Around 3 months back one of my friends from India discussed with me about buying the placement directory from jobsahead.com. They advertise this very aggressively over the web with statements that would really pull the reader towards the product. They say that the placement directory that they provide holds around 1000 consultants address and there contact details that too at an affordable price of Rs.150.
I booked the directory on my friends behalf and provided his Indian mailing address. I paid for the same online using my credit card. Now the most disgusting factor is the fact that this directory havent yet been delivered to the address and it is around 3 months now. Needless to say that the credit card was charged the very same day.
I wonder what kind of services they would provide if someone would opt for the other various paid features that are advertised. I have written several mails to them and even spoke on the nos exposed on the site and everytime there is one single women with the same hefty artificial American ascent saying that the directory is under printing stage and we should be able to deliver it in another two weeks time without even confirming with me my details of username or order nos etc. It seems that she has an standard reply to all the queries for this placement directory that Im sure many people would have paid for(like me...). It is not the question of just Rs.150 rather a question of commitment and keeping your words. Why the hell cant they write this along with that the directory hasnt even been printed even once till now.???
This is not the end, after three days I made the transaction on their site I got a SMS alert on my cell phone that your card has been charged for 100GBP over some web site on the net. Yes, there was a fraudulent transaction that took place on my CC nos and I had to get it blocked immediately by calling the bank. Being an Indian I take a great pain to say that these F**ing indian entrepreneurs can never keep their words and NEVER EVER provide good service on time if not excellent.
They always look towards quick ways of earning money no matter what level of frustation does it really bring to the customer. They just want to ripe off the skin in one go rather having a long association that even spreads with word of mouth... This is not business at all...... I would advice to all who read this review not to buy any advertised product from their site.