Are you jobless? Are you in a job hunt? Are you tired of searching for a job? Then your search ends here. Log onto and take stride into a world of jobs waiting to take you to the height of success. Well then the queston arises, what is that is different or good about this site? And the answer to the question lies within a click.
10, 000 jobs:
The site features around 10, 000 jobs up for grabs, while all the time you were wondering if there are any vacancies at all. The jobs vacancies here are not petite or insignificant, of course unless you think that IBM, GE, Levi Strauss, Allinace, Acer or Bharathi are small players.
Post your resume:
Gone are the days when you ran behind a typist to get your resume typed on a A4 sheet and get it all decorated with the white ink that the typist used to rectify the mistakes, and then you go to the post office and send 101 envelopes to all the companies you have the address of. Then you sit by your doorstep and wait for the lazy postman to come up with some reply. And surely replies must have come, “sorry Mr., to inform you that we have no job for you”. At jobsahead forget all the sweat, just work a few fingers, and post your résumé online. The employers will do the rest to assure you that you have a secure career ahead.
Job search:
With this facility you can search for that specific job in that particular company and that location.
Career Resource
The site provides you with tips on how to write your resume, or how to prepare and attend an interview.
Now here are the steps to start a career, if you are ready to step into the career future, begin at Jobsahead. Also you can try it at where you can also win prizes for submitting your resume with jobsahead with whom they have tied up.
All in all its a good site, easy to navigate, good features...worth checking out once.