Right now I am working in Germany. But I saw this site and thought I will write something about this company I had bad experience with.
I had applied for some engineering job in Dubai in 2008 via this company called Jobtrack in Mumbai. First some lady called me from their place. She offered me the position of Mechanical Engineer and I said I was ok with it. Within the next few days the woman recruiter called me at least 3 times more and offered me the same job again and again. She didnt know she had offered me the same position before. This was little irritating. But I didnt say anything.
Then one day same woman call me and tell me to attend an interview at their office somewhere at Mahim in Mumbai. On trust, I come from Pune by taxi as they confirmed they will give my money back and all that. I reached there before time and then I was made to sit for some 3-4 hours in some small place in the basement of their office. It was so bad and embarrasing because I was seeing their staff male and female fighting and making rude remarks at each other. I also see some males hugging and kissing females and think what place I come to. I keep quiet and sit patiently.
I give my interview and come out and then ask for my taxi money from Pune and back as they promise. The woman there very rudely tell me that I should come by bus or train and who tell me to come by taxi? I was struggle for more than 1 hour with them still I not get my money. So I went away back to Pune without money or job.
I face a big loss with these people at Jobtrack. Useless recruiting company. Do not deal with them ever.