I was never a history freak. Infact Social Studies exam used to give me goose bumps. Till date I can clearly recall sitting on the rocking chair in my closed room memorizing those long, descriptive history answers. An ardous task, to say the least.
Well . having said this. when a slice from our history books is presented on our plates in such a colorful and magnanimous way, it not only becomes highly palatable infact it acquires finger licking quality. I enjoyed Jodha Akbar thoroughly. For me there wasnt a single dull moment in the entire film and hence I didnt even find it long as some people feel. I have fallen in love with Ashutosh Gowarikar and Hrithik Roshan all over again. I still remember him featuring as a mechanic in a DD serial:Nukkad and later inCircus. The icing on the cake was the onscreen chemistry oozing out between Aishwarya and Hrithik. Everything was being conveyed through their highly expressive eyes, which is rare in movies today. The costumes, the sets all looked heavenly. We have seen Amer Fort, Agra Fort, but seeing the same places or similar sets adorned with with beautiful net curtains, flowers and decorated so colorfully was an enriching experience in itself.
Wont go in for discussing the plot, it has already been hashed and re-hashed umpteen times.
What I liked:-
A major plus for me was that the movie was not boring. Though the film talks about a different era altogether but still remained contemporary enough to touch our hearts.
I loved Hrithiks restrained portrayal of the invincible ruler of the Mughal Empire.
3. I appreciate the way romance was depicted - in a subtle manner. Though things have changed quite a lot since that time, still in arranged marriages things proceed in a similar manner. We first get married and then fall in love. I am a living example of this fast getting extinct culture. But yes, we did get a 6 month long courtship period during which we madly fell in love.
I could relate to the way Jodha spoke her heart out even before marriage and inspite of being the mightiest ruler alive Jalal agreed to go along keeping in mind the bigger interests.
The beautiful way Jalals mother welcomed Jodha(A Rajput bride) into her Islamic household needs a special mention. This goes to show that she trusted her son and his decisions completely and was not overly possessive about him, unlike Maham Anga.
The song sequence in which Akbar and Jodha unite was very beautifully picturized.
In the end the way Sujamal, Jodhas brother tries to save his borther-in-law Akbars life.
and countless more.
There were so many such incidents in the movie where we could learn something in addition to enjoying it. I have just mentioned a few of them. The film was entertaining but at the same time not preaching.
Rehmans music was as always class. The songs were very well woven within the fabric of the film and the background score was outstanding. If you didnt like the songs in the first go, listen to them twice or thrice and you will definitely get hooked to them.
What I didnt LIke:-
- The scene where Adam Khan was caught and was being thrown down was supposed to be a serious one. But unfortunately, the dialogues and the scenes execution made it humorous.
2. I am angry with Maham Anga. Jalal respected her so much. Even she claimed to be his mother. Why then a mother couldnt understand her sons desires.
This movie was hit by controversies even before its release. It even witnessed ban in MP sector and boycott in other areas. Everyone has a right to his or her own opinion. Nevertheless, I personally saw the movie keeping in mind that its director spent 3 years making this film and he was the one who made Lagaan and Swadesh too. I dont regret it at all. Infact would recommend it to all of you.
View it with an open mind and you will love it.