Im from jodhpur city, jodhput is also called as suncity and bluecity: ) in jodhpur many tourists attractions, like Mehrangarh Fort, ummad bhavan, mandor garden, clock tower( ganta gar) , kayalana jill, and lakes: ) you will also like foods of jodhpur, here mostly food are spicy and colourful, beacuse we jodhpuri like to eat spicy foods: ) there is world famous mirchibara , samosa and kachori, which you will really like) people are very good& halpful and you will love our marawari language. Maharangrah fort is very famous, you will see fort so you will feel like, you goes into old times of kingdoms, and wold famous hotel and museum ummad bhavan, you will love to see this, jodhpur is peacefully place, tourists really enjoy here, every tourists should come there for visit jodhpur city. Also you can get here good hotel in cheap rate so dont worry much about expense, near jodhpur city many tourists attaction, like vishnoi ki dhani and luni fort: ) but here in summer time lot of heat, so my suggestion is to come here when raining season or in winter: ) clothes is also very famous of jodhour, jodhpuri cote is very famous in india and mojari( shoe) . You will love to walk in old jodhpur city. So come once in my jodhour: )