I went to johannesburg on office work. I stayed in sandton and was tehre for 7weeks...sandton is upmarket area with bueatiful people...costly cars...huge malls around...but the striking difference is when u go 20kms out of sandton, ..i visited one place called soweto...there 1500 people were sharing one tap...so there is lot of diversity in socio-economic strucutre of the city...and tehre were some places totally dominated by indians and pakistanis.....there u cud get indian food...and wild life is also worth visitng....i had gone for a trip of pretoria also..that place is like an european city...flowers..trees blooming with them...lot of greenery...honestly speaking I liked pretoria more than johsburg....durban is one city in which u will find lot of indians....all in all it is worth every penny to explore the city.....the crime rate has also deeped now in johsburg...at night you can find policemen keeping a vigil on the roads..but like any other city in the world....be ware of the taxis there..they will charge u anything for a distance...try to avoid travelling alone...if u r in for a visit..go with the local tours and travels..and if on business tour...try to get a localite to accompany you on ur travels....