I am very angry with the WWE right now its because they wasted 2 years and made this man called john cena champion for 2 years. The wwe tried to make him the next big star like the undertaker and the rock and stone cold or HHH. It went horribly wrong tho.
After he beat JBL at wrestlemania it went downhill. His mic Skills where not very good and him suckking up to the fans was not good, he tried to rap on the mic and it sounded really bad. He claimed to have a chain gang, Do you think we would buy it saying "THE CHAIN GANG" only little kids under 12 who dont understand wrestling feel for this fake gimmick. Claming he had it hard and tried acting like he was from the streets when infact he lived the easy life.
He became a marine and that mic really suckkked bad! His movie marine collected 16m at the boxoffice and became the worst films ever of 2007 maybe the rating was 15 plus and no kids could go see the movie..SEE the real adults and wrestling fans dont care about john cena. Also his wrestling skills are no good too Having 3 moves does not make you a good wrestler..Knuckle shuffle, FU and STFU..He beat people like HHH who where 100 better then him in the ring and in the mike he made HHH tap out same with HBK. He has been beating legends he is like superman. Thankgod he is injured now wrestling seems better as randy ortan is the champ and he is far better on the mic and in the ring..