Nice movie, very impressive plot and execution of the idea. Very nice way , How to present a thriller movie .
Sriram raghwan has done it before and again he proved it. Nil Mukesh looks impressive and all other characters gives justice. Direction is fantastic , not less than any holywood thriller. Storyline is good , Characters are shaped well.
Thanks to some talented artists who gave justice. We always feel like watching James hadley Chess book. Sriram is alo fan of Goldie , so even name is based on his movie. No unwanted obstacles. U cant afford to miss it even a minute. Its nice to see dharamjee back in action who looks very sober
They might have used rima sens characters more effectively and used the Dance Song in proper way, that would have added spice. But still keeping aside that worth stuff. go and watch it , U never get a chance to watch such a movie again nd again.