The movie has broken all barriers of conventional hindi film. I like it. All actors have given brilliant performance. From Neil Mukesh to Ashwini K. A simple story but well made and directed. All I can say is bigger films catch audiences eye as it has bigger stars, but no story.
From big shots to small ones, all are best. Neil Mukesh limping in one shot looks natural and this is the way hindi films should be made. Small shots make big ones. The director has shot this flick brilliantly, giving a natural look to characters, their actions, thus giving an overall natural feel while watching this movie.
The only thing which I wanted is that Neils character should have been given a punch. His character is missing the punch/confidence of what hes doing or has done....but I guess the director wanted to show his character that way (just assuming)
n e way guys do watch this flick.....
am not gonna reveal the story here...see it, feel it and comment !! watch it...!!
Neil...your the rising star!!